welcome to the site

hey here guy! welcome to my layout website. this is where i show off my recent css layouts and let you chose the one you want to use for witty :) as you can tell, i don't make picture layouts, just css. i may try to do some picture ones, but the css ones are easier for me. i may take requests, it depends on what you want. i'm still learning new techniques and ways to make my layouts look cleaner and more professional so i'm still lacking in some areas. if you do decide to make a request, please email me at..
[email protected]
when making the request, please include the following:
your witty username.
how many text boxes do you need?
what color(s)/background image(s) would you like? (for choosing bg images, i use cherrybam.com )
do you want a photo/image included? (if so, please include the url to said photo)
is there any specific fonts you'd like?
would you like a status box?
please keep in mind that if you do make a request, it will take time for me to make the layout.


there really aren't many rules when it comes to my layouts. just make sure you don't remove credit, don't mess up the coding, don't steal my coding and claim it as yours, and please comment me when you use a layout :)
also let me know if you make any changes to the layout so i can make sure you didn't mess up the coding. even if you do change something, the layout is STILL mine so please don't remove credit.

    want to request a layout? you can do it here if you'd like :)
    (this is where you also can contact me if you have any issues or questions. i'd be happy to help!)